mix left to right: yorkman, European External Action Service, Elena Dijour, CANARAN and Gage Skidmore @ shutterstock.com and flickr.com
mix left to right: yorkman, European External Action Service, Elena Dijour, CANARAN and Gage Skidmore @ shutterstock.com and flickr.com


If anything else, 2016 certainly has not been a dull year. Throughout all the turmoil we, the Global Economic Dynamics team, have aimed to inform and give you valuable insights into the worlds of politics, trade and economics. With over 130 blogposts this year we have given you more content than ever before. We didn’t stop at the written word either and our numerous videos, animations, webinars and infographics greatly helped to expand our reach among you, our faithful audience.


While many justifiably might not remember 2016 as one of the better years in recent history, we nonetheless want to celebrate one more year of GED economic expertise. For this we have selected our two favorite blopogst for each month this year, which we present to you here in chronological order:




GED FACT SHEETS: How Would Mega Trade Deals Affect Your Country?

Two Economic Paths Out Of The Crisis? – Greece And Portugal In Comparison



Infographic: The Impact Of Brexit – Views Of German And British Business Communities

Study: Departure From The Schengen Agreement – How Tighter Borders Would Hurt Europe



India – The Next Global Growth Engine?

Animation: TTIP & TPP – A Threat To Latin America?



Survey: Trade And Its Critics – Why Has TTIP Become So Unpopular?

Video: The Crossroads – Brazil



Infographic: The Top 10 Requirements For Trade To Drive Prosperity

Study: Who Will Shape The World Trade Order Of The 21st Century – East Or West?



Study: How Do We Perceive Income Inequality?

Study: How Will Future Trade Affect Africa



Study: Turkey and the EU Have to Expand Their Trade or Expect Losses

Germany’s Alleged Chinese Invasion Strikes Fear, But Shouldn’t



After Brexit: How to Bring Europe Back on Track

Inside Turkey’s Economy – Risks, Rewards And The Challenges Ahead



Study: Globalization Report 2016 – Who Benefits Most From Increased Globalization?

Will Peace in Colombia Boost Growth?



Why Trade in Services Resisted the Crisis

What The Heck Is Up With CETA?



Study: Is China buying “Made in Germany”?

Video: Is Africa Winning From Trade Integration?



Trump’s War On Trade – Do Import Duties Really Improve A Country’s Economy?

Study: The EU, Anti-dumping and China’s new Market Economy Status