Impact of the TTIP on Latin American countries



According to the findings of our recent Study “Who Benefits from a Transatlantic Trade Deal”, both the United States (US) and the entire European Union (EU) would profit from a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

However, these economic gains come at a price. Countries not participating in TTIP, especially emerging markets that are traditional trade partners of the US and EU, would face trade contraction that would result in decreases to real income and employment.

In this Policy Brief we analyze the economic effects of TTIP on trade relationships and welfare in Latin-American countries, showing an overall economic downturn of 3,28 % GED per Capita.

The calculations are based on the latest econometric global simulation models, developed in cooperation with the Center for Economic Studies at the IFO-Institute, that for the first time reveal the changes in the complex exchange relationships in international trade structures and their impacts on welfare and employment in 126 countries worldwide.

TTIP Study Downloads

Policy Brief: LATAM (EN)

Policy Brief: LATAM (ES)

Policy Brief: LATAM (PT)